Saturday, September 20, 2014

From the Attic: Metallica Birmingham/Hammersmith UK 1986 Poster

Been a while since my last post, so with no further delay I bring you this HUGE poster from the UK for the two consecutive shows by Metallica 28 years ago today.  Given its size am not sure if it was a subway poster or sold at the shows or what? Thanks to my friend Anthony from the UK who sold me this poster.  The poster was signed by Lars and Jason in 1993, so a bit of a bummer that the signatures are not period correct, but still cool even if Jason did not play these shows.  

Sadly, Cliff was only able to play 3 more shows after the 21st of September.  Thus, on that note my brothers and sisters I leave you with something to think about with a poem by Rainer, Maria Rilke, entitled Death:

Before us great Death stands
Our fate held close within his quiet hands
When with proud joy we lift Life's red wine
To drink deep of the mystic shining cup
And ecstasy through all our being leaps-
Death bows his head and weeps. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

R.I.P. H.R. Giger (5 February 1940 – 12 May 2014)

The Swiss master was one of the brilliant artists of the 20th century and one of the greatest artists period.   I first saw his work in one of my older brothers Penthouse magazines when I was just a young lad sneaking a peak.  I was fascinated more by his artwork then I was the women on the other pages.  Later, I saw the Alien movie and of course the Celtic Frost LP cover and at that time I began buying every book I could find on Giger and his art.  His art does not let go, it grasps you and pulls you in to this strange, yet familiar world. R.I.P.