Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pat's Chili Dogs - Cinderella 1983

A friend sent me this today via email, I cannot believe I have never seen or heard of this before.  This is great on so many levels.   This almost made me forget that the first Cinderella album is actually a great record, but at least it looks like they are taking the whole thing with a sense of humour as they seem to be having a lot of fun with this.  I used to consider their first album a guilty pleasure, the kind of thing to put on when your Slayer hating girlfriend was over, but I am too old to care what people think now and I must admit their debut is a pretty kick ass record.  I wonder how many months of free dogs they got for this, I also wonder if they considered the homoerotic implications of stuffing their faces with wieners at the end of the video?  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

From The Attic: Robot Death Figure Derek Riggs Poster

Today's post features an amazing poster I received in the mail about a month ago from Mr Riggs himself.   I felt like a kid again when this arrived in the mail the other day and I stared at the poster for far longer than I care to admit.  This poster is an old painting he did around the time of the Killers album, but it was never used by Maiden.  However, despite this fact, the Maiden vibe is prevalent and it would have made a nice cover for any Maiden release in my opinion.


I must admit that I think I like Derek Riggs artwork more than any Iron Maiden albums that came out after Live After Death (though they still pump out great music when they are not busy with greatest hits comps and live cd's), it is a pity that this artwork was not used instead of the shoddy artwork used on the last few Maiden releases in particular.  It was because of Rigg's sinister artwork that I got into Maiden in the first place.  To some of you out there that might sound shallow, but you have to remember this was before everything was spoon fed to the youth, sometimes you had little more to go on other than a cover when investigating new bands.  The Killers LP sleeve seemed genuinely evil and the music was absolutely stunning as well when I first heard it (and still is!) I remember when I hung the flag on the ceiling over my bed, my parents were worried to say the least.

Unfortunately, Mr. Riggs does not seem to get the respect from Maiden and their management that he deserves, so please support him and buy his posters and/or book (which is great by the way).  Remember, there are countless imitators, but only one Derek Riggs.  You can acquire this poster via Derek Riggs for a very reasonable price at his website here. He is also nice enough to sign it for you if you wish and you can also see on my poster that he has hand drawn a couple of sketches, one of which bears a striking resemblance to ol' Ed!   Hopefully, if you buy this poster, it will do for you what it did for me, it almost made me forget about that terrible Dance of Death cover or the newest abortion of a cover that graces their most recent release, The Final Frontier.  Still, Iron Maiden are and will probably always be the greatest live band out there though.  They put bands half their age to absolute shame.