Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thrust -Fist Held High


I'm going to start this blog right and the only way to do that is with Thrust's mighty, Fist Held High. This album is sort of overlooked gem in my opinion. I'm not sure why. Rumour has it the vocals are just too metal for most hipsters and posers. Perhaps the only comparison I can imagine is Cirith Ungol's, Tim Baker. I also saw the vocals compared somewhere to a screaming banshee, and that is not too far off either. My friend Brian stole this tape from a bargain bin at Zellers of all places when we were kids. He ended up getting caught grabbing a Tokyo Blade tape on a different day and taken away in a police car. I guess he was much more hard and true than me because I let him do the dirty work... anyway I dedicate this to him. My suggestion, download or better yet go find this gem from 1984 and hold your fist up high.

Tonights the night the posers will die!!!

***please note that with my first post I planned on offering some downloads of rare albums, but quickly had a change of heart as I slowly watched the music industry crumbling around me.  You want it?  Go buy it.  Support the bands and the labels.